Giving Life to the Dull, boring Data through D3.js, a JavaScript Library
- December 26, 2016
- Application Development
Heavy descriptive data, large statistical information and other forms of numerical data can represent as a boring form to the viewers. Visitors tend to expect a user-friendly experience which will allow them to be more interactive and connected to the information. Information should be presented in such a way that it should be visually aesthetic, while clearly defining the facts in a less overwhelming manner.
Is it possible to build a framework in accordance to the data? Or have an unrestricted access to DOM? Is there any better framework than Protovis?
D3.js, for Better Visual Communication
D3.js, a JavaScript library, is the answer to all these queries. A new replacement we can say for Protovis framework, D3.js allows developing more flexible frameworks in concurrence to the requirements. How does DOM relate to D3.js? A good question because, before digging deep into D3.js we should know something about DOM. DOM aka Document Object Model is an Application Program Interface (API), used to define the logical structures for HTML and XML documents. DOM plays an important role in creating a well-defined path or navigational structures for documents to make it more user-friendly and interactive. So, having a better access to DOM is a big push up for the developers.
Built on HTML, SVG and CSS, D3.js helps to structure the documents based on given data. Through giving a complete significance to web standards, D3.js makes a reliable option for creating rich data visualizations on web browsers. An effective presentation through visually communicative data helps to retain the interests of all potential visitors. D3.js is a new evolution in JavaScript, making the development of dynamic web pages much easier and flexible.
JSON, CSV aka comma-separated values or geoJSON are some of the common data formats that D3.js can support effortlessly. D3.js or D3 where D3 stands for Data-Driven Documents provides wider access to DOM nodes.
Elements in Action
D3.js is creating a riot through HTML which, equipped with CSS and SVG is explicitly defining the rich visual data. CSS or Cascading style sheets, a style sheet language effectively defines the style and design layout of web pages to make it more interactive. Having a tint of influence on almost all browsers, SVG aka Scalable Vector Graphics is an XML-based vector image format designed specifically for 2D graphics. Scalability and resolution is what defining the web technology; Today SVG is playing a vital role in developing a responsive web page which exclusively depends on these two elements.
Also one of the major factors to be noted here is, D3.js allow programmers to use multiple functionalities since it is written in JavaScript and supports various web standards. Generous representation of data through graphics, charts or diagrams can catch more eyeballs. Nowadays, people hardly give time for the behemoth data, so, with such a time crunch, a lesser but more strategic approach may hold their interests for longer time. Even though the word static is blinking somewhere on the map, it is the word dynamic, that is ruling the current trending phase.