Obtaining a Distinctive IP Address through the Dedicated Web Hosting Service
- October 27, 2016
- Web Hosting Service
Before jumping into the discussion about our core topic let’s get an overview about web hosting. So, what is web hosting? What is the role of this service in the online platform? Well, in short web hosting is a service which allows an organization or an individual to publish their website on to the internet.
Basically, there are four types of hosting services and dedicated web hosting is one such service. Consequently, let’s dig and find more facts about this web hosting service. Generally, if an organization has decided to host a website it needs to have a domain name and has to lock-on to a reliable service that suits its requirements. A website’s performance rate can be pushed under the tag better if its loading time is good.
What are the factors that decide the performance of a website? What are the privileges that a website should have to achieve the same? Firstly, whenever a website is being hosted the service should be selected based on the amount of traffic and also through other requirements such as skill, server control as well as security features. This dedicated web hosting service is best suited for the organizations that require full control over the web server. In other words, the one which want complete power over memory, security, storage and IT support.
One of the main benefits for a website with this hosting service is having a dedicated IP address. To be more precise the performance of a website is all about having less down time. Also, disk IO issue is one such concern which can hamper the performance of a site but can be effectively countered through dedicated web hosting solution.
Benefits of a Dedicated IP Address
There are many advantages to go with and the initial one is that it protects the site from potential spammers, from whom there is a possibility that the website can get blacklisted. Secondly, it makes the website more secure during online transactions as it is shared with SSL certificate. Also, a dedicated route created through this generates more traffic for the website which in turn increases the conversion rates without experiencing any kind of crash. Another major benefactor is that a user can access the website anytime, anywhere through FTP without any glitches.
Unlike shared web hosting solution where the resources are distributed among various accounts, the resources here like bandwidth, memory and security are under the control of a single website contributing in boosting its performance. But one of the downside of this dedicated hosting service is the expenditure because a single website has to bear the overall cost structure.