The US Impact: Can Indian IT Firms find any hope in Chinese Homeland?
- June 14, 2017
- Outsourcing
Will China be the new lifeline for Indian techies? The unrest caused by the new US government policies on Indian market is already taking its charge head on. For instance, most of the Indian outsourcing firms are already looking for new opportunities around the world.
The Implications for Indian IT Firms
Earlier, Indians had a smooth pace building their career, and if we watch in the same line, every IT firm had a larger scope as an offshore partner for major US corporations. Now, call it a catastrophic phase, where everyone is facing a setback in terms of opportunities.
It is a known fact that the US is reaching for offshore partners due to the shortage of skilled workers on their homeland. If we actually look around properly, apart from IT, even nurses are in great demand due to the shortage of the same.
It is not that our economy is completely dependent on the US, but it is fact that their complete dependency on our resources, have now left us high and dry.
‘The grass is always greener on the other side’, actually the quote does fit the situation and the probability that one finds a perfect solution will always be a question of doubt.
The H1B visa reforms have made the things from bad to worse, but like I said IT firms rather sitting there is looking for growth options in other neighboring countries.
Will Big Data Business help the Indian IT Firms?
Apart from the new guidelines that focus on giving preference to Americans and not Indians, it is true that there is a strong potential for growth if invested in Indian IT firms.
It’s a big data business, and China now is considering Indian IT firms to pilot the large blocks of data that are crucial for their organizations. So what is big data?
‘Big data refers to large sets of data that organizations cannot monitor under traditional data processing application software.’
You can call it as data mining, sounds rustic but will be better understood by the most. Mining the data or through predictive analysis, your organization can identify the hidden patterns that will allow you to advance strategically.
With hundreds of gigabytes of data, do you think your organizations can focus on the core business activities? No, I don’t think so. A recent report highlighted about India adapting to Cloud IaaS, and with such options India will definitely be a potential outsourcing partner for data management solutions.
From competition to collaboration, if Indian IT firms manage to get hands with Chinese companies, then it will be one the biggest breakthroughs for the current scenario.