Do not want your web pages to be indexed? Then go with Noindex and Nofollow HTML Meta Tags
- January 6, 2017
- Advanced SEO Techniques
Yes, you have read it right, there is an option to avoid page indexing and there are people who are going with it. But what is the agenda behind this action? Isn’t it known that indexing is a strong way of generating greater leads? Or is this a new marketing strategy which is fast becoming a trend?
It will be obvious that people will be put to dilemma once they are thrown in with this option. But a common misconception with people is the thinking that all the pages need to be indexed to enhance the site performance. Now, let’s discuss this in the later stage and concentrate on how indexing is done.
Google’s Index lists that content which is relevant and useful to the respective users. So, these contents are to be identified and brought into the notice of Google which is done through search bot software called Google Bot. This search bot easily gets attracted to the content which is filled with keywords and appropriate interlinks. Also, before actually indexing a page, Google Bot performs an action which is known as crawling. It is the action wherein this bot wanders or crawls from one site to another looking for new up gradations through the available interlinks. If succeeded, that respective page will be indexed.
Less is More
Through analyzing the above quote, we have to know that indexing all the web pages can be a bad move. Because not every page contains keywords or links, they may also have duplicate content. An easy way to repel Google Bot, this will eventually affects your search engine rankings.
The Process of De-indexing
Looks de-motivating, but the process ends with a good note. Here are few options which will avoid your page from getting indexed.
- Robots.txt file- Through adding this file to your website, you can have the advantage to block the Google Bot. Also, you get to decide the magnitude of the complete action, which is, it can range from a single page, image or to a whole directory.
- Noindex Meta tag- With this directive, the Google bot will be allowed to crawl a particular page but the page will neither be indexed nor shown in the result page.
- Nofollow Meta tag- Through this option, the Google Bot will be directed to neglect all the links present in the web pages.
- Both Noindex & Nofollow Meta tag- A concatenation of both the meta tag results in that page neither getting indexed nor its links getting any priority.
The Bottom Line
Marketing is all about strategy, so a good businessman always looks to achieve more with lesser action. Also, it is not necessary that every time we should embrace the tactics in a positive manner. The probability of gaining more leads, higher visibility among search engines and better SEO rankings is larger through this approach.