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Author Archives: 365admin2015

responsive website

A Guide to Numerous Responsive Website Navigation Patterns

We have advanced too much to speak about the origins of responsive web designing technology, but still, when we emphasize the most basic…
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tools for wordpress developers

Top 4 Tools that Every WordPress Developer Should Have in 2017

There will be a time when even a seasoned WordPress developer may feel messed up or frustrated. Why? The WordPress developers today are…
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css3 animation tool

2017’s Top 5 CSS3 Animation Tool that Every Web Designer Should Know

Web designers around the world are hovering around the latest version of CSS, which is the CSS3. UI designers who want to showcase…
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internet marketing

Things you should know: the Basics of Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is the most profitable notion in an online Business. The concept of internet marketing is easy to listen, but difficult to…
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