No.1 Digital Outsourcing Agency

Author Archives: 365admin2015

how covid will push outsourcing

Covid-19 will Push More Businesses to Look for Outsourcing – Here’s why

COVID-19 is a global humanitarian challenge, that has affected people, communities and businesses. Survival and protection has become the key factor for business.…
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Why Businesses Should Look Into Outsourcing Analytics in 2020

The Need for Your Business to Outsource Analytics in 2020

Data has been famously touted as the new oil, but effectively it is the ability to gain insights from data that make it…
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How Companies Can Benefit From Outsourcing Technology

How do Companies Outsource Technology and Benefit From Them

Outsourcing is a process in which a business engages third party individual(s) or a company to handle certain activities for them. Thanks to…
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How Work From Home Scenario is Affecting Outsourcing

Why Outsourcing Industries Struggle with Work From Home Scenarios

Businesses plan for various scenarios and business continuity plans are often designed around these “known unknown’ situations. However, COVID-19 caught every single business…
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